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Aplicaciones anidadas


Visual Thinking

Activity run by the Museum's Educational Team






An activity that trains the gaze and cultivates listening to what each piece of art evokes in us.

Through contemplation and dialogue, the visitor enters into the proposed work to discover all the nuances and sensations of the piece. 

Talking about what we have shared is a practice that allows us to make conscious and transmissible all the meanings that each work has for those who look at it. 

This activity "trains" the viewer's gaze and sensitivity to contemporary art. Artistic expressions which, at first sight, may seem complex, unfold before the "trained" visitor who is capable of approaching them with the gaze of someone who is open to understanding them. 


Facilitated by the Museum's educational team, the Visual Thinking activities combine quiet contemplation with open dialogue. 

This activity is carried out in open groups and can be arranged as a special activity for individuals, schools, teaching teams or companies.