Social responsibility

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txt responsabilidad social

Social responsibility

The Museo Universidad de Navarra is an international center of public interest, for artistic creation and reflection, with an interdisciplinary, research, teaching and social character.

Faithful to this mission and in its quest to better serve society and its purpose of consolidating itself as a meeting point with art, it incorporates in its programming programs of creation and research, participatory, artistic dissemination and educational programs in constant dialogue with social actors. 

As a center of the University, it is aligned with the entity's Strategy 2025 in which sustainability in its triple dimension -environmental, economic and social- becomes a transversal purpose, and which establishes the need for the projects to which it gives rise to be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

As part of its strategic plan, the Museum makes itself available to the teaching staff of educational centers to accompany them through programs specifically designed for each educational level, as well as collaborative programs that bring the work of the different centers into contact with each other.

Its agreements with social entities constitute a pillar for the development of programs adapted to functional, intellectual, physical or social diversities, seeking the full inclusion of all groups. 

The great social themes, the social reality of the moment, academic research in relation to other centers of the University, and the constant contact with the youth of the students of the Campus are present in the daily work of the Museum.

At the international level, the Museum has established since its inception an international policy of alliances to facilitate access to art and its collection, as well as to serve each year as a host center for future professional interns. 

Each year, the Museum offers at least six days of free access:

  • International Tourism Day (September 27)
    National Day of Spain (October 12)
    Navarre Day (December 3)
    Spanish Constitution Day (December 6)
    Museum Anniversary Day (January 22)
    International Museum Day (May 18)

In addition, and thanks to its agreement with the Pamplona City Council, every Wednesday it offers free admission to its inhabitants through the "Art Day for Pamplona".

The museum is committed to the environment and energy saving. Eighty percent of its lighting uses the LED system, including all the spotlights (850 units) in the exhibition area. 

Since its construction, the presence of ramps, elevators and wide accesses facilitate mobility between the different spaces. On request, the Museum has magnetic induction loops to facilitate hearing for people with cochlear implants or hearing aids. 

The institution encourages the use of sustainable means of access thanks to its strategic position on campus and its pedestrian areas, bicycle parking and proximity to public transportation service stops.

Each academic year, the museum provides data on the impact in number of people that each of the actions and projects undertaken have had, linking them to a specific SDG according to their nature and characteristics. The main SDGs to which the Museum contributes are mainly linked to social development and are SDG 11 -sustainable cities and communities-, SDG 4 -quality education-, SDG 10 -reducing inequalities-, although also, due to its transdisciplinary nature and its openness to collaboration, its projects are also ascribed to SDG 17 -partnerships to achieve the goals.