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Research is inherent to the University. The artistic creation promoted by the MUN is conceived as research and to this end the museum works to achieve an adequate record of the process. The Museum promotes research on the arts, for the arts and in the arts, seeking to share and enrich each other through frequent collaboration with the academic community in the development of various projects.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Museum is working on the creation of an Archive of Creative Processes in which the different phases and processes involved in the research and creation projects carried out by the artists are recorded.

In these research processes to build their own projects, the artists collaborate with the artistic direction of the Museum and, if they wish, with academics, the university community and other centers of the University. This enriches the process through collaboration.

In addition, the Museum establishes special alliances and complicity with the ICS (Instituto Cultura y Sociedad) with which it works on joint projects or projects that involve the organization or production of shared events. 

Nor can we forget the research projects in which Museum professionals collaborate with faculties and experts in university research projects that result in publications in book format or academic articles.

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