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Back to 2014_09_01_MUN_DoctoradoYDiplomaEstCurat

New teaching offerings at Museo Universidad de Navarra: Diploma in Curatorial Studies and PhD in Applied Creativity

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Students in a workshop on museum curation. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
01/09/14 15:39

The Museum will begin teaching at the University as of the next academic year. The new diploma organized together with the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts is focused on training students in the necessary subjects to carry out the curatorship of an exhibition. The Diploma is aimed at all students of the University and provides content from various fields such as art, history, cultural management and architecture.


PhD in Applied Creativity

On the other hand, the School of Architectureand the School of Communicationand the ISEM and the Museum have promoted a doctoral program in Applied Creativity at the University. This doctorate aims to promote the study and establishment of creative processes in industries and institutions that require this competence for their activity. These processes range from a preliminary analysis to the final definition of the objects produced in any field related to creation: architectural, fashion, industrial design, graphic design...





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+34 948 42 57 00
