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Blanca Ramirez-Cardenas, winner of La Voz de Tu Facultad Online

Paloma Gutiérrez, from Tecnun, and Luciana Rosell, from Education and Psychology, won second and third place in the fourth edition of the contest.

Youtube broadcast of the final of La Voz de Tu Facultad 2020.

03/06/20 12:09 Leire Escalada

Blanca Ramírez-Cárdenas, a student from the School of Economics at the University of Navarra, was the winner of the final of La Voz de Tu Facultad, which was broadcast online on May 29. Paloma Gutiérrez, a Tecnun student, and Luciana Rosell, from the School of Education and Psychology, came in second and third place in this fourth edition of the contest promoted by the area Campus Creativo of Museo Universidad de Navarra.

The final, which is usually held in the theater, was brought to the home this time thanks to the commitment of the participants, Jana Producciones and the Museum, which made possible a gala broadcast on YouTube with live voting. The video of the broadcast has already exceeded 5,200 views. As in the on-site final, viewers were able to vote for their three favorite candidates via their cell phones. In total, 11 finalists gave their best to try to become the voice of the campus. They were students from 9 faculties: Architecture, Education and Psychology, Tecnun, Economics, Communication, Nursing, Philosophy and Letters, Medicine and Law.

The Pilar Moreno Awards were also presented: Álvaro Zimeri was awarded for being the student who has visited the Museum the most this year; Ricardo Piñero was recognized as the most active teacher in the life of the Museum; and José Arrufat was the student-ambassador distinguished for his promotion of the project.

Ramírez-Cárdenas, winner of this edition and 1st year Bilingual ADE student, watched the final from her home, accompanied by her family and a group of friends, and says she enjoyed it very much despite the nerves: "I feel very happy and very grateful to have won the contest. I never thought I would win it. But what I am most grateful for is the people I have met, my colleagues, who are great artists. They all did super well and have wonderful voices".

To prepare for the final, in addition to the three face-to-face sessions they received at the Museum before the confinement, online training was added. "It was incredible. We chose the songs before the state of alarm was decreed, in the rehearsals we had in Pamplona, so we already knew which song we were going to sing. The classes were done by Zoom and I learned a lot, especially vocal technique and interpretation of the song," explains the young woman.

In this sense, Gutiérrez, a 4th year Biomedical Engineering student, "the incredible effort of Jana's team, who totally adapted to our schedules and exams. I had a great time recording and I learned a lot: to take more care of my voice, to get rid of my embarrassment and to use 'theater'. There was a moment when I was half intoned and they really encouraged me to continue". She lived the final at the Colegio Mayor Jaizkibel, in San Sebastian. "It was a blast and fun to comment on my own performance. I loved seeing the work of my classmates, the level was very high."

In the case of Rosell, a student of 3rd year of Early Childhood Education, she was able to follow the final from the Museum, accompanied by 4 other finalists, and recalls how she received the award: "I was very excited and a little nervous, I did not expect it at all. It was a very fun night that I will never forget. Right now I feel very happy. I received many congratulatory messages from friends and teachers. I tried very hard and all my classmates had a very good level, they are great and they sing very well!". She also enjoyed the online experience: "I would have loved to sing on the stage of the Museum because it has been my dream since my first year, but I don't regret anything and I would do it again a thousand times".

All three students agree in encouraging participation in future editions. "I would recommend this experience to all students who love music and singing. It's amazing how a song can move the person singing it and those listening to them. That is what makes this experience so brutal," says the winner.





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