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Back to 2025_02_26_MUN-Beginning

The MUN invites to an immersion in the beginning of the world through voice, light and movement.

The Museo Universidad de Navarra has programmed for this Friday A Beginning #16161D, a play by Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou, which plays with the experience of space and time.

FotoAnnaFàbrega/ A moment of the show.

A Beginning #16161D is not a concert, nor just a show; it is a journey through darkness and light through voice and movement. Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou propose this exciting immersion this Friday 28th at 7.30 pm, at the MUN. Tickets are still available at the box office and on the website. In addition, there are season tickets for two or for the four shows of the Cartographies of music cycle , which this event kicks off.

Its full title is not immediately understood, and it is important to do so in order to understand clues about its intention: #16161D or eigengrau is the color that we perceive when we are in conditions of absolute darkness. It is not black, but a dark gray, a color that produces a kind of optical illusion produced by our retina, which when there is light is able to perceive pure black if we look at objects that are completely black.

With this starting point, in the dark, five performers present a poetic and surprising use of their voice, light and movement to transform the spectator's perception, thus trying to suspend their experiences of space and time, and blurring the boundaries between bodies. In this way, with a proposal located between musical composition and choreographic writing, Bauzà and Jou configure a scenic piece in which live singing and lights manipulated by the performers themselves lead the spectator through a dramaturgical story about the (re)beginning of the world.

In A Beginning #16161d, self-composed vocal and electronic works are combined with classical titles and intertwined with improvisation. All this through five voices that seem to converge in a single body, inviting us to imagine other ways of communicating and relating to each other in society.

This proposal has been selected among hundreds of European works in the 2024 call of Aerowaves, the European platform that identifies emerging choreographers to help them establish an international trajectory.

In the words of Teresa Lasheras, artistic director of the MUN, "this is a show that cannot be classified in the conventional denominations of music, dance or performance because it is on the borders of all these fields, walking between them very comfortably. It is a deep listening experience, in darkness, that evolves towards hybrid places with a strong poetics based on the use of voice, electronics, body and lighting".





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